Letter, Lucy E. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

May 25, 1910

A letter from Susan B. Anthony’s niece, Lucy E. Anthony, to Anthony’s former housekeeper and secretary, Anna Dann Mason. Lucy tells Anna about the new suffrage flag. She explains that the woman who designed the flag wants it placed over the graves of the “Suffrage Heroes,” including sisters Susan B. and Mary S. Anthony. She has refused to take money for the flags and instead requests that the money be used to buy flowers for the graves, as well. Lucy asks that Anna take care of this and sends money with the letter.

Letter, Lucy E. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

Moyla, Penn. May 25, 1910.
My dear Annie,
Mrs. Belmont has designed a flag—a blue field with four sitw
stars for the suffrage states, and it is her idea that on Decoration Day it is
a good thing to decorate the graves of our Suffrage Heroes. She sent a number
of these flags to the Convention in Washington to be sold, and when we off ered
her the money for them–$4, she would not take it but asked that we get some
flowers for the graves of Aunts Susan and Mary. So Miss Shaw and I knew of no
more loving hand or heart in the city of Rochester to attend to this than your
own, and so I am enclosing a check of $4 for this purpose, and will ask please
if you will get wreaths or laurel or palms or whatever seems to you best, and
perhaps in the nature of something which last for some days and place on the graves
of these two dear ones. Surely the Nation will honor none who will deserve it more
than will these two. I will send two of the flags tomorrow so that these may
be placed on the graves also.
With a great deal of love to you from both Miss Shaw and myelf, and a hope that
all is well with you and youns,
I am affectionately,
Lucy E. Anthony

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  • 1910s