Letter, Mary S. Anthony to Jessie Anthony

October 9, 1906

A letter from Mary S. Anthony to her cousin, Jessie Anthony.  Mary sends Jessie a card case that belonged to Susan B. Anthony and tells her about its history. She mentions that Susan wanted all of her money to go to the suffrage cause after her death.

Letter, Mary S. Anthony to Jessie Anthony

[Letterhead: National American Woman Suffrage Association]
Rochester, N.Y. Oct. 9, 1906
Miss Jessie Anthony,
Los Angeles, Cal.
My dear Cousin Jessie –
By this mail I am sending you a registered package con-
taining a card-case which belonged to Sister Susan. This card-case,
as you will see, was presented to her by Miss Ellen H. Sheldon of
Washington, D.C., who was for many years Secretary of the National
Woman Suffrage Asso. Sister Susan thought a great deal of Miss
Sheldon and you will see from the cards enclosed that this card-
case was one which she used when attending a hearing at the U.S.
Senate. I have left in it her card of admission to the Senate,
which is signed by Senator Blair. I knew you would appreciate it
even more on account of this little history connected with it.
You doubtless know that Sister Susan wished that every cent
of money which she left should be given to the Suffrage cause and
Miss Shaw and her other executors are following her wishes with
regard to this and all moneys which she left will be formally
presented to the Association on her next birthday, Feb. 15, 1907.
Please let me know if you receive this all right.
With love,
Yours Affectionately,
Mary S. Anthony

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  • 1900s