Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

June 11, 1901

A letter from Susan B. Anthony to her housekeeper and secretary, Anna Dann Mason. Susan sends a money order and instructs Anna where to take it so she and Margaret can be paid. Susan is waiting for her sister Mary to join her in Leavenworth, Kansas, and reports that the weather is very hot there.

Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

[Letterhead: THE LEAVENWORTH TIMES D.R. Anthony, Editor and Proprietor
D.R. Anthony, Jr. Business Manager]
Leavenworth, Kansas, June 11, 1901 –
Dear Anna E. Dann –
Here is a postal order –
Mr Postman will show you how to sign it –
or if you take it to Mrs. Sweet – she will show
you how to do it – or she will pay you the
money on it $9.60 – then you pay Margaret
& yourself as far as it goes – and tell me –
really you are entitled to two weeks pay –
but make out her bill & send me hers –
Sister Mary has not come yet – from
Duluth – its hotter than blazes here – 94⁰ in
the shade yesterday – so keep cool, I say,
and do all of you sewing & patching
up – the next letter will tell when
we are coming home – I think.
Maude is bright & hopping around
like a cricket – love to you & Margaret –
and Genevieve – when she calls – – S.B.A

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  • 1900s