Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

March 15, 1903

A letter from Susan B. Anthony to her housekeeper and secretary, Anna Dann Mason. Susan updates Anna on her trip to Virginia and instructs her on what to do with the mail while she is gone. Susan notes that an interview that was reported in the newspaper was completely fabricated.

Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

[page 1]
[Letterhead: The New Riggs House]
March 15, 1903
Dear Anna,
This Sunday
evening – I have had a
stream of callers all the
day – Mary & Dr – & sister have
been to Arlington – and yesterday
to Mt Vernon – I am very
well – my back is itching &
good to night – but I shall
get it still pretty soon.
You can manage some
way – about the Express man –
if you have occasion to send any
books – you can let Gilbert order
his from the Office – and then
you stay at the house in the

[page 2]
P.M. until he comes – at
3 or 4 o’clock in the P.M.
but don’t send out any
books unless you think it is
imperative – until my return
and keep a list of all –
The American Express leave
is on the pile under the dining
room window – and that is
the one we send by monthly
Affectionately Yours,
Susan B. Anthony
P.S. Oh yes – The Times Editorial
& interview was made out of whole
cloth – he never saw one of
us – it is purely a fiction – and
wasn’t a penny’s worth of truth
at bottom of it – S.B.A.

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  • 1900s