Interview, Ed Rivera

April 15, 2018

Ed Rivera was born in Rochester, NY, in 1961 to Puerto Rican parents. He lived in Rochester until his family moved to Buffalo, NY, for his father’s work when he was nine years old. He lived in Buffalo until he went to college at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. After college, he moved back to Rochester to work and start a family with his wife. He has lived here ever since.

In this interview, Ed Rivera discusses growing up with a large family, his parents’ backgrounds, and his education, including his time at Cornell University. He recalls the discrimination he faced when he was young, the family traditions he values and has passed to his own children, and what he wishes he had shared with his children before they grew up. He also discusses his father’s role in starting the Ibero-American Action League in Rochester, what the League does in the community, and his own work with the organization.

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  • 1960s
  • 1970s
  • 1980s
  • 1990s
  • 2000s
  • 2010s