Letter, Irene Conole to her parents
A letter from Irene Conole to her parents. Irene reports that she has returned safely from her visit home. She discusses life on the base and a birthday gift from her friend Eric.

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1 July 1953
Dear Mom & Dad,
We made it back safe
and sound and in eight
hours and forty-five minutes.
I received a package
from Eric in England and
it was for my birthday. It
had a box of candy and
a leather case that holds
writing paper and envelopes.
Nothing much happened
here while I was home.
Most of the fellows that
come into the club were
welcoming me back and asked
how I enjoyed my leave.
I received another letter
from the woman in Baltimore

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2. and she sounded like she
wanted to correspond with
Boy this pen is lousy!
It belongs to the club and
I am writing this while on
By the way, I have my
shoe that I left in the
The Chief was had mad because
I didn’t show up at the
Captain’s Mast of the three
fellows that I saw fighting.
They got two weeks re-
striction to the base.
I bought a plastic bag
to stow my winter suits
in. I hope the moths don’t

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3. get in. I have moth balls
in it too.
Well there isn’t any-
thing else to tell so this
is going to be short.
Give my love to James.
Love and Kisses