Letter, Irene Conole to her parents
A letter from Irene Conole telling her parents about her time in Baltimore, where she ate a lot of food and met a torpedoman who has since written her a letter. She writes about how much she loves the bells and chimes that are played throughout the Naval base on Sundays. She fills her parents in on her friends Sheilah and Coleen. Irene also asks her parents to send a bottle of Revlon Aquamarine lotion and some apples.

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9 Nov. 1952
Dear Mom and Dad,
Well here I am again. I had to get the
other letter, which is the duty letter, in by
five o’clock and I couldn’t do it by then, today.
I had a wonderful time in Baltimore
that Sunday. I didn’t care for the U.S.O. there
and I spent most of the time eating. I met
a fellow who is a Torpedoman on board a
submarine which is now docked in Norfolk
Va. He is a first class Petty Officer and in
January he’ll have his chief rating. He was a
very nice fellow and I received a letter
from him Saturday.
I got a letter from Coleen and she said
that Dr. Bresloff, my dentist, says he is mad at
me for I haven’t dropped him a line. He’s
leaving the 20th of November for the Navy. What
a character! Coleen and her husband and
daughter are leaving in the Spring for Florida.
You ought to see the sun and the moon
here. What a beautiful sight! The moon,
some nights, is a solid deep orange and
the sun is an off shade of pink. You

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wouldn’t think that it was the sun.
Sundays are beautiful here. After Mass
they have records which can be heard all
over the grounds by the public address or
loud speakers. It’s bells and chimes.
I don’t know if I told you this before
but Sheilah isn’t going to Arizona. Her
husband came back but I don’t know why
yet. Eileen Bishop wrote but I haven’t
heard from Bonnie yet and that seems
Well I can’t think of anything else, so I’ll
say good-bye for now. Give James my love.
Love and Kisses
P.S. As soon as you can, would you send me
a jar of five day pads, a bottle of Revelon
Aquamarine lotion (it’s green and the drug
store on the corner probably has it) and
some apples. Thank you all.