Letter, May Wright Sewall to Susan B. Anthony

February 1, 1899

A letter to Susan B. Anthony from May Wright Sewall, the president of the National Council of Women of the United States. Sewall explains how she handles reports submitted to the Associated Press in Chicago. She asks Anthony to send her the full names and addresses of the women from Rochester who will be involved in an upcoming meeting, explaining that she does not want to list them by their husbands’ names.

Letter, May Wright Sewall to Susan B. Anthony

[Letterhead: National Council of Women of the United States]
February 1, 1899.
Miss Susan B. Anthony,
Rochester, N.Y.
My Dear General:
Yours of January 29th received. You know I do
nothing whatever with the reports which are sent in to me except
to send them on to Mr. Addison C.Thomas, the Superintendent of the
Central Division of the Associated Press in Chicago. I was very
particular to ask everybody to make out an extract abstract that exactly
expressed her views of what she wished reported; and it is quite
impossible for me to undertake to modify the abstracts that are
sent in to my by one word. I simply hold myself responsible for
getting them into the hands of Mr.Thomas at the right moment.
The only abstract I shall read is that of my own speech–Miss
Burke doubts my even reading that, as it is not yet visible.
Please have your Local Council send in at once the names of
the following, to all of which representatives they are entitled
at the Triennial:
First: The name of the President.
Second: Her Proxy.
Third: Name of Delegate.
Fourth: Her Alternate.
Fifth: Member of Resolutions Committee.
Sixth: Member of Programme Committee
Please send the Christian names of these women, with their
full addresses. From the Mrs. Charleses, Henrys, Patricks and
Johns that I have been getting from Rochester, one would suppose
it to be the home of ultra-conservatism, instead of the home of
the Great Offender. I cannot allow Rochester to mar the pro-
gramme by a lot of masculine names.
Always Devotedly yours,
May Wright Sewall
President of the National Council
of Women of the United States

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  • 1890s