Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

December 22, 1903

A letter from Susan B. Anthony to her housekeeper and secretary, Anna Dann Mason. Susan sends Anna a check and wishes her a merry Christmas.

Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

[Letterhead: National American Woman Suffrage Association]
Office Honorary President, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N.Y. Dec. 22, 1903
Dear Anna
Though I had declared
off for to night – I found this check
which I want you to put with – or toward
your two hundred to build you bay window
next summer – or do what you please with
it – here is a Happy New Years – and
Merry Christmas to you and Gilbert & Charlotte
and the family at Albion – with the
best wishes & the best affection
Susan B. Anthony

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  • 1900s