Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

July 25, 1900

A letter from Susan B. Anthony to her housekeeper and secretary, Anna Dann Mason. Susan thanks Anna for her 80th birthday wishes and reports that she would be happy for Anna to remain in her home as long as she would like.

Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Anna Dann Mason

[Letterhead: National American Woman Suffrage Association]
July 25, 1900 –
My Dear Anna E.D.
Though at this late day
I will not fail to say a “thank you”
for the lovely letter of greetings you
sent me to Washington on my 80th
birthday – I am sure I shall be
very happy to have you remain in our home
as long as I live – provided you continue
to be made happy by doing so – It is a very
great pleasure to me to feel that you
enjoy being in our home – and I know
it is the same to you to feel that we love
to have you with us – that we may – on
the part of both – continue thus – to the end – is the
sincere hope of
Your sincere and affectionate friend
Susan B. Anthony

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  • 1900s