Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Penn State Grange official
A letter from Susan B. Anthony, on behalf of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), to a Penn State Grange official. Anthony apologizes that she cannot send one of NAWSA’s speakers to the Grange’s upcoming meeting. She expresses her faith that the Grange will nevertheless still support equal rights for women.

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[Letterhead: National-American Woman Suffrage Association]
[Note at top: Returned by P.O. undelivered]
Dec. 10, 1899
My dear sir,
Yours of Dec. 2nd was duly
received – I am very sorry to find
it impossible to send one of our
best speakers to be with you at
Williamsport next Tuesday – But I
am sure without such presence and
such word from one of our women –
your Grange will not fail to
adopt resolutions & petitions –
praying Congress that in whatever
form of government it shall provide
for our new Island Territories – it

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shall be based upon perfect equality
of civil and political rights for women!
It will, indeed, be a great crime
for congress to establish sex oligarchies
– among those semi-civilized peoples –
Hoping that your Penn
State Grange will do all in
your power to secure a genuine
form of republican government
wherever our stars & stripes float –
and that you will have a most
successful Convention – I am
Very sincerely yours
Susan B. Anthony