Letter, Susan B. Anthony to Reverend George C. Lorimer
A letter from Susan B. Anthony to the Reverend George C. Lorimer of the Tremont Temple, in Boston. Anthony condemns a Tremont Temple speaker, Dr. Dixon, for his insulting representation of women. She asks that Rev. Lorimer give an equal platform to pro-women speakers and suggests that he invite the Rev. Anna Howard Shaw or Carrie Chapman Catt to address an audience at the Temple.

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Rev. Geo C. Lorimer
Tremont Temple
Boston, Mass.
Dear Dr. Lorimer
My attention has been
called to the enclosed clipping
accompanied by others from
Boston papers, which
show that its condemnation of
Dr. Dixon is well deserved.
This is not enough.
Some of his statements are
so misleading and others
so preposterously false,
that in a spirit of fairness the
refutation should be made
on the same platforms
and practically before
the same audiences as
that before which

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the gross misrepresentations
were made. To use the
platform of a religious
denomination to revile
women, without whose
earnest endeavors and
patient service the very
church itself could not
exist and to give them
no opportunity for defence
is certainly not worthy
of a great organization
like Tremont Temple.
It is but fair that the
other side should be heard
not in a spirit of antagon-
ism but in a simple
and truthful statement
of the position of the women of today
who differ from Dr. Dixon.
You have always been
accounted in sympathy with the

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larger and broader interpret-
tation of woman’s life and
work. Will you not
invite Rev. Anna H. Shaw
or Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt
to speak on your platform.
Either of these is the equal of
Dr. Dixon as a public speaker
and both are more dignified
and correct in their statements.
I write this letter in
response to the request of
women from all parts
of the country.
Very sincerely yours,
Susan B. Anthony