Letter, William Gleason to Kate Gleason

March 4, 1911

A letter to Kate Gleason from her father, William Gleason. William discusses the end of a business proposal and tells Kate that he met a man who was with his brother when he was killed during the Civil War.

Letter, William Gleason to Kate Gleason

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The College Arms
De Land, Florida. March 4 1911
Dear Daughter
Your letter of March 1st
was received last evening too leate to send
telegram. I telegraphed this morning, to rent the
property. as the prospective deal with the R. W. & Leight
Co. is off, at least for the present, I am in favor
of renting it the news about Bridgeford
is very interesting reading.
there was a little thing ocured at the breakfast
table this morning that reminds me that the
world is but a small place after all. Mr
Isaacson the Man that sat at the table on
your right, was a guard on the train on which
your uncle was killed he remembered all about
the particular raid of the 11 december 1863 he was only
17 years old when he enlisted, which accounts for
his being so young loocking
With love

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  • 1910s