Letter, William Gleason to Kate Gleason
A letter to Kate Gleason from her father, William Gleason. William describes arriving in Sacramento, a death in the family he is visiting, and the resulting change in his plans. He looks forward to returning home after being away for over two months.
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Capital Hotel
Sacramento, Cal., May 14 1906
My Dear daughter
I arrived here
on friday evening and put up
at a hotel intending to call on
our friends Saturday morning
I toock a stroll about town
after being located and about
the first person that I bumped
up against was Luke. he
informed me that he was
home on account of his sister
Jennies illness, that they did not
expect her to recover. She
died this morning. she
leaves five children, the oldest
about 9 years and the youngest
17 months. it is a very sad
case it placed me in a rather aw
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embarasing position as I
had figured on leaveing here
Monday morning and while
I was debating as to the proper
thing to do whether to stay
untill after the funeral or
not Emma & Addie came to
my relief by adviseing me
to go on and keep my engagements
So I compromised the matter
by staying until William
came. he has just arrived.
I wil start on my journey
in the morning. I go from
here to Frisco, and after
loocking that place over
I am going to Petaluma, and
then home via Ogden Salt
Lake Denver and Kansas City
& St Louis Our friends here
are all broken up and if
by my stopping until after
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the funeral I would be of any
benefit to them I would be
only too willing to stop with
them but I am afraid I would
be only an encumbrance as
I notice they girls make it a
point to entertain me by
turns, and try desperately
hard to be cheerful two of
the children is at there house
and seeing the condition
of things, in general I kept
my room at the Hotel although
they wanted me to stop at
the house but with Luke & Wil
and the two children and the
father they have a full house
the girls show up good in there
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trouble, but I am of your
opinion that Kate is the most
level headed of the family.
William loocks fine I notice
a great improvement in his
appearance Luke is the same
the last and least of the family
his girl was at the house and
he introduced me to her as
the young woman that he
had so mutch talk about
with Margaret. I think she
she is a bright enough loocking
girl and if she hadnt picked
out Luke I might even think
she was fully up to the average
Elinor forwarded your letter
of May 5 to this place. I am
sorry to hear that the German
Insurance Co got hit so hard
I expect we wil get quite a
lift on the rates next year
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I am away from home now
a little over two months and
am beginning to be anxious
to get home. I expect to arrive
about the 24th I had a letter
from Mr Mooney & his Wife
extending a very pressing
invitation to Elinor and
my self to visit them they
said there dear friend [illegible]
Phalen had notified them that
I was on the coast and would
be likely to call so that I wil
have to go. I expect it to
be a very pleasant visit
as he was a man I always
liked My love to all
William. Gleason