Letter, William Gleason to Kate Gleason
A letter to Kate Gleason from her father, William Gleason. William writes from aboard the Southwestern Limited train. He describes his travel plans and refers to the “calamity” the business is in.
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The Southwestern Limited
Wagner Vestibule Train
via New York Central and
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway
& “Big Four”
Chattanooga Tenn
Tuesday 10. am
Dear Kate there is only one
train each day leaving
Cincinnatti for New Orleans
that goes through. it leaves
8 am. the evening train
is over taken at Meridan
by the first [illegible] morning
train, and merged into one
so I toock the Monday evening
train and that gives me
from 10 am to 8 pm I am going
to do some visiting although
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I dont feel very mutch like
it. Seems that as I get away
from the cares of the business
the full force of the calamity
that we are threatened
with is revealed in full.
and I have put in two very
bad and sleepless nights other
wise my health is good. once
I will reach some outcome
on thursday morning.
I will telegraph from here
good bye
Wm Gleason