Letter, William Gleason to Kate Gleason
A letter to Kate Gleason from her father, William Gleason. William describes his business activities in Berlin, various machines, the outlook of the gear planer market, and the financial prospects of his clients.
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Savoy Hotel
Berlin, den Nov 14 1898
Dear Kate
I received
yours off the 1st also
the gear circulars sent care
off Shukart & Shuttie. I did
not come by way of London
consequently did not get
those sent letters I have got through
here and start for Viena
in the morning. I planed
a sample steel gear too be
sent too Krupps one off
there engineers was here
too see me and extended
too me an invitation too
visit them and promised
too show me around but
I wont go it is so hard to
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get along on ac off the
language I tried to get out
off going too Viena but
S & S were very pressing
so I consented I may be able
too start for home by the
23rd or at farthest by the 26th
I have had a heap off experience
and on the whole I am glad I came
I can now size a gear Planer
nearly as good as Gitner
I told Shukart & S they
might add $50 too the price
off the 36” G P and we would
put an at on too prevent
the tool scoreing the tooth
when being withdrawn from the
cut I planed a gear with out
any marks in it but it toock
longer than it ought besides the
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Krups are dealing with
the government, and the
inspection is very [illegible]
We have only to put on some
little at to lift the bar slightly
on the top side Jim & my self
has already talked over the
matter and there are at least
10 or 20 different ways it
may be done and without
mutch additional expense.
in consequence off the state off the
Lathe trade I dont see any use
in calling at Havre as we
cannot talk business besides
I heard in Manchester that the
firm has not been making
money in fact has been loosing
Bullard has sold them a
big lot about two years
since they are getting a big
Lathe made in Manchester
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and they had to put up about
1/3 cash with the order. I think
you will have time too telegraph
care Fenwick as you will get
this letter by the 22nd and it
is nearly certain that I will
be in Paris on that date
So I will give them the go bye
the Gear Planer trade is
going too be good here
off cours it is impossible
too tell for how long at
any rate it has too take
precedence off the Lathes
and comeing too that point
I would rather let the matter
rest until I arrive home
which will be in 8 or 10 days
after you receive this letter
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Mr Whittlesegs financial
offer can also wait
regarding Hill Clarke
& Co I think the best thing
they could do would be too
protect themselves in any
way they can as it would
not be possible for us too
do mutch for them in a
boom I would willingly sell
the Lathe patterns special
tools & drawings but I dont
like the [illegible] idea there
is too mutch dead matter
there and I think Mr Irwin
is punnished sufficiently
all ready, besides you know
he is old and likely too drop off
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on short notice and I dont
see how they are going too
run after he is gone they have
not any gear cutters nor
any facilities for handling
the big work but we can
discuss it later we may
be able too cook up some
other scheme
My Love too all
Wm. Gleason