Statement, “Anti-Trust Conference”
A statement written by Susan B. Anthony for the American Federation of Labor’s Anti-Trust Conference. Anthony identifies men’s rule over women as the worst monopoly in the world. She argues that men unfairly control women’s wages and labor without giving women a voice in how they are governed and urges her audience to give women the right to vote.

Anti – fraud Trust Conference
Let me call your attention to the
fact that
Since the hugest
monopoly – the grossest
trust of the world is
that of man’s conspiracy to
govern women without their
asking consent permitting them to give or to withhold their
consent, from to the laws, or the
law makers, or law enforcers!!
While the codes & constitutions
thus empower men to hold
women in subjection, to control
their work & wages & in marriage
to legally own the proceeds of the labor
of their wives – the logical
sequence must be that wherever
an individual man, or a set of men
can outwit one or many men of their own sex,
and subvert the profits of their victims,
to their own selfish greed, they will
do it, and with just as little confounding of conscience as
if they were women & not men.

[illegible] because of her disfranchisement;
and not because of her sex.
Therefore resolved – that we urge upon
all the menmbers of all the
organizations of our general Federation
of Labor to make of themselves a
balance of power within their own
political parties to secure the elimination
of the word “male” from the suffrage
clause of their several State Constitutions