Rochester LATIN@S grade 3
The presence of Latinos in the greater Rochester area since the 1950s has helped shape the identity and history of the region. In the hopes of creating sources and opportunities for teaching and learning about their history and culture, a group of Nazareth College students, under the supervision of Dr. Isabel Córdova, developed a series of lesson plans for children from elementary school through high school.
These lessons are linked to the NYS Common Core ELA and Social Studies standards for grade 3. Because our teachers and community educators are so busy, the lessons contain all the materials and information (other than an occasional readily-available book usually available in local libraries) teachers need to successfully implement them.
The lessons are largely motivated by the “Latino Voices” oral history collection. The first set of lessons was completed in the summer of 2016 and sponsored by a Nazareth College Creative Activity and Research Showcase (CARS) grant. Thank you for your interest and support in disseminating and implementing these lessons.