Letter, Susan B. Anthony to the Royal Templars of Temperance
A letter from Susan B. Anthony, on behalf of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), to the Royal Templars of Temperance Supreme Council. Anthony explains how giving women the right to vote will increase national support for the temperance cause, since “the vast majority of wives and mothers if they could vote would cast their ballots against the licensing of saloons, brothels, and gambling-houses.” She requests that the Royal Templars pass a resolution in favor of woman suffrage and that the organization’s officers sign a petition to Congress for a federal woman suffrage amendment.

June 7, 1900.
To the President, Officers and Members of the
Royal Templars of Temperance Supreme Council
in session at Buffalo, N.Y., June 19
My Dear Friends: –
As chairman of the committee appointed by the National-American
Woman Suffrage Association to address letters to all of the large conven-
tions held this year, allow me to bring before you the great need for the
recognition of the women of our country in all of the rights, privileges
and immunities of United States citizens.
In appealing to your organization for an endorsement of political
equality for women, I do not forget the fact that the Sons of Temperance,
the Good Templars and very many kindred associations have from time
to time in the past given the weight of their influence on the side of
this demand for justice to what men are wont to call “the better half” of
the people. While all women may not be total abstainers individually or
prohibitionists politically, the vast majority of wives and mothers if
they could vote would cast their ballots against the licensing of saloons,
brothels, and gambling-houses; therefore it is but reasonable to expect
that women’s enfranchisement would bring added strength to all organiza-
tions arrayed against the three institutions which perpetually menace the
peace and purity of the home.
Let me urge you, then, to adopt a resolution in favor of woman suf-
frage and order your officers, on behalf of the Council, to sign the en-
closed petition for a Sixteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution,
which shall prohibit the disfranchisement of United States citizens on
account of sex.
Please make two copies of it on your own official paper, and when
signed return both to me for presentation to Congress. Kindly send me
also a copy of the woman suffrage resolution, should one be passed. In any
case, I shall esteem it a favor to be informed of whatever action may be
taken on these requests.
Hoping to hear from you favorably, I am,
Very sincerely yours,