Letter, William Gleason to Kate Gleason
A letter to Kate Gleason from her father, William Gleason. William responds to business matters included in a previous letter from Kate and asks her to handle an unsettled financial situation.

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Victoria Hotel,
Oct 28 1898
Dear Kate your letter of the
18th is just received being
forwarded here by Mr Churchil
I entirely agree with you
about exhibiting only a 24”
machine. I am also satisfied
at the earnings off the
foundry. We cannot stave
off the Bullard order mutch
longer I have been all over

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the ground with Mr Bullard
last evening. in regard
to money matters, I supposed
when leaveing home that any
shortage I could get from
Fenwick, but if you think
there is time, and I think there
is as you will have this letter
by the 7 or 8, a letter ought to
reach Paris by the 16 or 17th
you can use your own
judgement, but I would prefer
too receive the money, than
too be asking for it on ac
about $50 will be sufficient
Wm. Gleason